“Looking for Harborita” artist pastel, 10’ by 10’, March 16-17, 2024, Chalk N Bloom Festival, Safety Harbor, FL, winner of “Blooms N Things” category

“Reading with the Lions”, artist pastel, 10’ by 10’, August 17-18, 2024, Chalk & Art Festival, Museum of Wisconsin Art

“Bryan Thao Worra’s Steampunk Reading Rainbow” tempera paint, 9’ by 14’, August 10-11, 2024, Downtown Minneapolis Street Art Festival

“Pika Collecting Flowers with a Fairy Friend” Artist Pastel, 7’ by 8’, June 29, 2024, Salida Chalk Festival 2024, Salida, CO.

“Cup O’Buffalo!”, tempera & artist pastel, 7.5’ by 12.5’, September 6-7, 2024, Wretched Mess Fest, West Yellowstone, MT

“A Good Ancestor.” Memorial tribute to Auntie Beverly Cottman I asked to make this piece for the Downtown Minneapolis Street Arts Festival (August 12-13, 2023) in memory of their wonderful story teller, who walked on the previous winter. The lion and mouse refer to one of her favorite, traditional African stories. She was well remembered and loved at the festival.

“Me with monarchs in my hair” 10’ by 10’ self portrait created with artist pastel and black tempera paint base for Maple Grove Chalkart Festival (Minnesota) June 10-11, 2023.

Bear from “Animals Among Us” chalk art grant series for the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council, artist pastel, June 19, 2024. Portland Square, Duluth, MN

“40,000 Moths a Day” 10’ by 10’ artist pastel and tempera based image created for Wretched Mess Art Festival in West Yellowstone, Montana over August 25-26,2023. This image was inspired by research in the park, where grizzlies bears climb to high altitude in August to consume on average 40,000 moths per day,

"Vincent Price as Dracula" began from a sketch I did while watching the classic Vincent Price film "Theater of Blood." It's based on the wild eyed image of Price on the movie poster, and celebrates the October spooky season in which it was created. 10' by 10', artist pastel on black tempera base Made for "Let's Chalk!" in Monticello, MN October 22-23, 2022

This 10' by 11' piece was created on August 20-21, 2022, for the Museum of Wisconsin Art Chalkart Festival. It features a large surrealist portrait of my father, Bob Geniusz. He is a life long Milwaukee Road fan, and train fanatic. So I made him with trains coming out both ears.

“Charlie Parr of the North Shore” tempera & artist pastel, 10’ by 10’, Chalkfest Maple Grve June 8-9, 2024

Part of “Animals Among Us” grant series for the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council, 5’ by 4’, tempera & artist pastel, Portman Park, Duluth June 12, 2024

“Red tailed hawk” This 6’ by 6’ tempera paint image was one of four images created in Lakeside Neighborhood of Duluth in October 2023. They were created for the Look Up Lakeside Newsletter. The birds were all migratory species that fly over Lakeside in the fall. This one was created outside of Lake Superior Brewing.

This 10' by 17' piece was created August 13-14, 2022 for the Downtown Minneapolis Street Arts Festival. It features a fan art portrait of Astronaut Karen Nyberg floating on the International Space Station.

“The Fortune Teller” tempera & artist pastel, 10’ by 10.5’, August 24-25, 2024, “Let’s Chalk!” Festival, Monticello, MN

“You are no mistake…” tempera paint & artist pastel, 10’ by 10’, Riverlife Chalk Fest, May 24-25, 2024, Pittsburgh, PA

“Spinning & Rolling!” Tempera paint & artist pastel, 10’ by 10’, W.E. Chalk Festival, July 20-21, 2024, St. Louis Park, MN

“Charlotte says…” tempera paint & artist pastel, 9.5’ by 10’, Chalk in Sauk, June 22-23, 2024, Sauk Center, MN

This is a 10' by 10' portrait of my cat Teague, made in my attic practice space with pastels, in May 2022.

“Gene’s Cascade Park” History & fantasy inspired chalk and pastel mural I created for a city park series, funded by a grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council. This one was created in Cascade Park June 27, 2023.

“Superior Porchfest Mermaid!” 6’ by 8’, artist pastel, June 27, 2024, Superior, WI

This 10' by 7' temporary tempura mural was created for my local mansion museum, Glensheen. Over the summer of 2022, I created 5 temporary murals on the grounds. This is a portrait created from a historical photo of the man who created the mansion. This was created the week of July 5, 2022.

This 10' by 7' temporary tempura mural was created for my local mansion museum, Glensheen. Over the summer of 2022, I created 5 temporary murals on the grounds. This is a portrait created from a historical photo of the wife of the man who created the mansion. This was created the week of July 12, 2022.

With the mansion museum Glensheen in the background, here is another angle of the Mr. & Mrs. Congdon murals. Photo from July 15, 2022

This was a 10' by 20' anthropomorphic image created in downtown Duluth Minnesota for the Duluth Street Arts Initiative, Sidewalk Days Festival, & Life House. The piece was titled "Cherish Summer," and was inspired by the uplifting work and mission of Life House. Created July 14, 2022.

This 11' by 14' anthropomorphic piece was created outside Shannon's Stained Glassery in Superior, Wisconsin for shop owner Shannon Johnson, and WDSE WRPT's The Slice. It was made on July 27, 2022 & the short film interview of me made by The Slice aired August 17, 2022.

This 10’ by 10’ chalk mural was created June 26-27, 2021 for Jamestown, North Dakota’s Chalk Festival. It was inspired by a vintage circus poster I saw in Circus World Museum of aerial artists. I changed their wings and setting to make them more like the butterflies I see in my garden back home in Minnesota.

This is the second in a series of two 5’ by 7’ chalk murals I created for AICHO art gallery’s Indigenous Farmer’s Market in Duluth, Minnesota. This one was created during the market day on September 25, 2021. It features a celebratory still life of harvest foods available at the market that day.

This a 10' by 10' chalk art piece of cats hanging out in a dollhouse. It was created in Sauk Center for "Chalk in Sauk" June 25-26, 2022.

This 8’ by 10’ chalk mural was created September 5-6, 2021 for the Denver Chalk Arts Festival. It features a sunflower turned whirligig amusement park ride. It was inspired by the sunflowers I saw last summer in my neighborhood, growing taller and taller, and bending slowly throughout the day towards the sun.

Venice’s theme for this event was “Resilience!” I chose to highlight “Indigenous Farming” as a resilient, celebration of culture and heritage. The image is modeled after a photo by Ojibwe Photographer Ivy Vainio of her friend Veronica Skinaway farming. I chose to give her “The three sisters” to carry in the image (beans, corn and squash). This farming trio is a traditional teaching of community working together to be more resilient and strive. The framing of the central image is meant to mimic the ribbon dresses of traditional regalia. 12’ by 12’ tempera and artist pastel 17 hours Venice Chalkfestival Venice, Florida April 1-3, 2022

This 10' by 10' chalk art piece was created for Arbor LakesChalkfest, June 11-12, 2022. It was titled "Night Flight" and featured a fairy riding a moth, with a firefly lantern.

This was created for the AICHO Indigenous Youth Art and Food Market in Duluth, Minnesota on August 6, 2022. This was inspired by the piece I created earlier in the summer, in Venice, Florida. The source photo for both these pieces is a local wild ricing legend, Veronica Skinaway. Her friends requested a repeat of the earlier piece, closer to him where they could all enjoy it.

This is the first in a series of two 5’ by 7’ chalk murals i created for AICHO art gallery’s Indigenous Farmers Market in Duluth, Minnesota. It features the traditional indigenous 3 sisters garden of squash, beans , and corn. It was created for the market on July 24, 2021.

This painted turtle chalk mural was created for the City of Duluth’s “Lake Superior Stormwater Chalkfest 2021. It mearsured 5’ by 7’, and was located in Chambers Grove park along the St. Louis River on September 28, 2021.

I created this 10’ by 10’ chalk mural for Two Harbors, Minnesota’s “Chalk-a-lot” festival July 17, 2021. It features a unicat riding a unicorn and unfurling a banner ribbon celebrating the name of the festival.

This piece was roughly 5’ by 8’ and created at a private home the summer of 2021. It is a portrait of the family’s three good dogs.

I chalked this neighborhood sidewalk square (5’ by 5’) on August 11, 2021. It is a portrait o the crazy, eyed grin of my friends’ daughter.

This was a neighborhood sidewalk square (5’ by 5’) that I decorated the week of July 10, 2021 to advertise for a City of Duluth sponsored festival at the Depot Museum downtown. At the festival, i chalked a 30’ by 7.5’ mural of ballet dancers taking a late night coffee break in the woods with many woodland friends.

This is a detail of a 30’ by 7.5’ chalk mural created for the Bienvenue Coffee Festival At the Depot Museum in Duluth on July 10, 2021.

This is a detail of a 30’ by 7.5’ chalk mural I created for Beinvenue Coffee Festival at the Depot Museum in Duluth Minnesota on July 10, 2021.

Thisis a detail of a 30’ by 7.5’ chalk mural I created for the Bienvenue Coffee Festival at the Depot Museum of Duluth, Minnesota on July 10, 2021.

This is a detail from a 30’ by 7.5’ chalk mural I created for the Bienvenue Coffee Festival at the Depot Museum in Duluth, Minnesota on July 10, 2021.

This was a neighborhood square chalk (5’ by 5’) piece I created to celebrate May Day Parade & all the wonderful memories that In The Heart of the Beast created for us, during their year off in 2021.

3D Study of a rusty backed bumble bee, created in June 2020 on a neighborhood sidewalk in Duluth, Minnesota.

This roughly 20 by 20 ft mural was created in front of Glensheen Mansion in Duluth, Minnesota over two days in August 2020. It was created in conjunction with their shark themed activities in around the mansion.

This roughly 20 by 20 ft mural was created in front of Glensheen Mansion in Duluth, Minnesota over two days in August 2020. It was created in conjunction with their shark themed activities in around the mansion. (Hammer head detail from swarm of sharks.)

Still from behind the scenes of live streaming for the Gaelynn Lea you tube show. The piece behind the artist was created during a live stream you tube show for the Duluth based musician Gaelynn Lea. It is roughly 4 by 5 ft, and features a Pre-Raphaelite inspired interpretation of Lea’s song “The Long Way Around.” It was created in October 2020 and is archived on the musician’s you tube channel “Gaelynn Lea Music.”

This piece was created during a live stream you tube show for the Duluth based musician Gaelynn Lea. It is roughly 4 by 5 ft, and features a Pre-Raphaelite inspired interpretation of Lea’s song “The Long Way Around.” It was created in October 2020 and is archived on the musician’s you tube channel “Gaelynn Lea Music.”

Dinosaur mural created on a neighborhood sidewalk in Duluth, Minnesota. July 2020

Nic-named the “Cleaning Ninja” by neighborhood children, this lady was crafted after the online series of the Getty Challenge that was popular during quarantine times of March 2020. She was created in April 2020, neighborhood sidewalk of Duluth Minnesota.

These chanterelle mushrooms were created during chanterelle season, summer 2020 in Duluth Minnesota.

This 10 by 10 ft garden was created in front of Duluth Pottery and Tile in October 2020.

Van-Gogh inspired study of local sunflowers. This was created on a neighborhood sidewalk in Duluth, Minnesota. August 2020.

This 5' by 10' piece was created for Zenith Bookstore and their 5 year anniversary party, July 1, 2022. It features an open book with a small loon family nesting inside.

This was the 5th and final piece I created for mansion museum Glensheen. It featured a portrait of one of their daughters painting a portrait of the lake. It was 10' by 7', and was created on August 1, 2022.

This series of cheerful, safety gnomes were created for the Mankato ChalkFest in August 2019.

This series of cheerful, safety gnomes were created for the Mankato ChalkFest in August 2019.

This piece was roughly 15 x 13 ft, completed in August 2019 for the Downtown Minneapolis Street Arts Festival. Emerald ash borers, after having finished off all the ash trees in Minnesota have a new taste for sidewalks.

This one was created in Duluth for an online fundraiser for a hospital in Twin Cities. It was featured in their promotion materials related to the event.

This piece was 15 by 10 ft, completed in June 2020 at Hawk Ridge in Duluth, Minnesota. It was created for the Virtual Denver Chalk Arts Festival.

This was the first in a summer series of chalk murals created in Duluth’s neighborhood sidewalks in the spring & summer of 2020. A neighborhood child requested a portrait of Malala Yousafzai.

Artist Annmarie posing beside a portrait of a friend’s child. Created in a Duluth Minnesota neighborhood sidewalk, April 2021.

This small lion study was created in a Duluth Minnesota neighborhood sidewalk in the spring 2020. This image and all others of this gallery are created with artist pastels.

A ring tailed lemur portrait. Created on neighborhood sidewalk, in Duluth Minnesota. August 2020.

Frankenstein portrait, white chalk on black tempura base. Created in October 2020, on a neighborhood sidewalk in Duluth, Minnesota.

Two panel portrait of a friend and her daughters, drawn from a photograph. Created on a neighborhood sidewalk in Duluth, Minnesota. Mother’s Day weekend, 2020.

This one was rough 8 x 5 ft, created in September 2020 in the parking lot of Peace Church in Duluth, Minnesota. It co-won the chalk art competition for the Twin Ports Pride Festival.

The latest in genetic engineering: pumpkins that hatch into dinosaurs! These were created in Prior Lake’s ChalkFest September 2019.

These were created in Prior Lake’s ChalkFest September 2019.

This 15 x 6 ft piece was created in Rhinelander, Wisconsin for a media promotion for their chalk festival in fall 2019.

This was created at ChalkFest 2018 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

This was created at ChalkFest 2018 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

This was created in Superior, Wisconsin in June 2019. They had a small Chalk festival in conjunction with anniversary festivities for the University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire.

This long drawing of a Hodag and Great blue heron fishing was created in Rhinelander, Wisconsin in fall 2019. It won third place in the contest, first in the people’s choice.

This was created in July 2019 at Chalkalot in Two Harbors, Minnesota. The nearby lighthouse and break wall are a popular place for local scuba divers to practice and test their skills. This image features a scuba diver discovering agates with an unexpected creature of the deep.

This was created in front of Wussow’s Concert Cafe in Duluth Minnesota, in September 2019. It was an advertisement for their annual “One Week Live” music event.

This was made at a Duluth home in the summer of 2019, to welcome home a visiting relative.

This was created for Rhinelander Wisconsin’s Chalk Festival in 2018. It won second place in their contest. It features the local legendary creature the Hodag, eating all those socks that go missing while doing laundry.

This was the artist’s first chalk art festival piece. It was created in July 2018 for Chalkalot in Two Harbors

Annmarie Geniusz posed with a 3D monarch butterfly. Summer 2020, Duluth neighborhood sidewalk

“Minimum Rage” My interpretation of an original painting by Emily Koch of Duluth, MN. This piece speaks of the daily frustrations of life in the service industry. 10’ by 10’ tempera & artist pastel image created for Chalk in Sauk, June 24-25, 2023.

Advertisement for Gaelynn Lea’s live streamed you tube show! This show is archived on Gaelynn Lea Music you tube channel. Chalked September 2020

A fall leaf man gargoyle, chalked on a Duluth neighborhood sidewalk, October 2020.

For the Minneapolis Street Arts Festival 2021, I created this 10’ by 15’ tempra and chalk mural of children from Minneapolis, gathering in Powderhorn Park to discuss the future of their fair city. I used friends’ children from the city as models.
They are each bringing toy sized versions of their favorite aspects of the city together to discuss the future. One child brings the Stone Arch Bridge, another an owl puppet from Bare Bones performances, another brings a light rail, and a tall bike. They gather on a blanket of First Avenue music venue, under the bright sun of In the Heart of the Beast’s May Day Festival.

“100 Years of Lake Superior Zoo” 56’ by 8’ . tempera paint street painting & 4’ by 5’ photo station were created for the Zoo’s anniversary party July 19-20, 2023. It featured a series of historic portraits & popular zoo creatures along a walking bridge.

“Keene Creek Dog & Skate Park!” Public use inspired chalk and pastel mural I created for a city park series, funded by a grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council. This one was created in Keene Creek Skate Park Park June 21, 2023.

“The fountain that used to be here, the fairies that still are…” History inspired chalk and pastel mural I created for a city park series, funded by a grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council. This one was created in Portland Square, June 14, 2023.

“Lewis & Hephzibah Merritt” History inspired chalk and pastel mural I created for a city park series, funded by a grant from the Arrowhead Regional Arts Council. This one was created in Merritt Park June 7, 2023.

“The almost true origin story of the Brothers Burn Mountain” 10’ by 10’ Artist pastel & tempera based image I created for the Art and Chalk Festival of the Museum of Wisconsin Art, August 19-20, 2023. The image is of my favorite rock band in their imaginary birth. The brothers were born & raised near MOWA, I presume drum sticks in hand. Also, delivered by loon instead of by stork.

“Fancy Miss Haddie of Fernbank!” Artist pastel, 8’ by 8.5’, September 21, 2024, Chamblee Chalk Walk, Chamblee, GA